
Thursday 30 March 2017

Darn online security!

For some reason Blogger locked me out and I couldn't get back in... because I just couldn't remember what login I use. It's old age, that's what it is. I disguise it with fantastic makeup. Well, something like that.

Talking of makeup...

I wanted to say that after 3 years of this eczema ruining my face, especially after using soap or sunscreen or indeed makeup, after the last trip out in full slap (see previous post), my face was as smooth as a baby's bottom. Up to now I have had to get myself tanked up on antihistamines, anti-inflammatories and immunosuppressants for some days to combat the resultant flareup. But the days after the last trip, nothing, nix, nada. No medication necessary, apart from my prescription goo for washing my face. 

It's a little sore this week but I am going out with the girls in London tonight, some of whom I haven't seen for those 3 years. Hope to write up about it at the weekend. And hope that, as last time, nothing bad happens to my face.

Sue x


  1. Yay for good news! I hope the Big Night Out goes well.

    ( PS: for passwords have you tried KeePass? Free, links to Google Drive and works on smartphones too )

    1. Thanks, hon, and thanks for the tip. Electronic thingummy wotsits have never been my forte. Sue x

  2. That's wonderful, hon. Hope those skin issues are a thing of the past!


  3. That's brilliant news. I go into a complete funk if I get a pimple. Have a lovely weekend.

  4. That's great news - not the passwords and age thing ... that I reserve for myself, but I hope the skin problem is a thing of the past and I look forward to the pictures!

  5. Thank you very much for the positive comments, girls. Much appreciated. See following post for how the evening went. Sue x
