
Sunday 5 April 2020

Today's ability to keep in touch

In 1909 E.M. Forster published his only science fiction story, The Machine Stops, in which the future consists of people living essentially isolated in underground cells where everything from food to medicine to entertainment is provided by the Machine. People are discouraged from emerging onto the surface. And why would they want to as they can easily keep in touch with each other via their two-way screens?

The world of April 2020 does seem a bit like that as we all stay indoors to avoid catching and spreading this coronavirus. And, as Forster remarkably (or luckily) prefigured, we have the internet that enables us to keep in touch with anyone else who has it.

Last night my friend Kate Collins arranged a video conference using Zoom and it was great to be able to chat to other girls back in England. I haven't actually seen Kate and her wife Suki in the flesh for nearly 3 years, nor Anna Faith, so it was really wonderful to be able to catch up in that way. I met a couple of other people at the 'conference', too. The true marvels of modern technology!

Kate and I in the days when social distancing was unknown
There is now some talk of the endgame here in Italy as the rate of infection starts to level out. Although the situation will continue as it is till after easter there is likely to be a phased return to something resembling normality. Fingers crossed. I'm sorry that other countries couldn't take a leaf out of Italy's book where initial dithering and uncertainty made the whole situation worse. As for countries like Hungary that have now voted sweeping powers to their already near-dictatorial leader, this is what I as a member of a persecuted minority lose sleep over. I hope the world will get back to normal - true normal - very fast.

My posts in March describe life in Italy during coronavirus, and some tips on how to survive working or remaining at home.

Stay well and safe.

Sue x


  1. Did Forster's story include the monitoring of all communications to sell file stuff they don't need? Asking for a friend who runs a social media empire ;-)

    So, like you and your friends in the blog post, Chams tried our trial run of a video conferencing meeting. Fingers crossed it takes off and I hope your new home country has beaten back the infection.

    1. Thanks, Lynn.
      Hope the virtual meeting goes well and people enjoy it.
      As for things in Italy, there seem to be small daily improvements. Fingers and toes crossed.
      As for Forster and his Machine, I'll have to check. The Machine certainly seems to know what people are up to and what they need (or it believes they need) in any given moment. So not quite the same, but monitoring is always a requirement in any future dystopia. Or should that be present dystopia?
      Stay safe, well, and busy, hon.
      Sue x

  2. Hi Sue, I'm sorry not to have been in touch before - there should be plenty of time in this isolationist world, but I've rediscovered gardening and seem to be spend an large amount of time on skype! I'm glad things seem to be easing slightly in Italy; here, we just don't know what to believe - it's clear that the govt took a very strange approach to begin with(I even commented on it a month ago)and it looks like we now have to pay for a laissez faire approach to public health. Aside from the unnecessary deaths and isolated manner of dying, which must hgave been devastating for families and loved ones, the pandemic is clarifying something that WASPs have been trying to gloss over for years - the relative deprivation within BAME communities. Stay safe, xxx

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    2. Hi Nikki, it's good to hear from you. I recently updated my blogroll but the link you'd once sent me to your blog doesn't work any more. I'd like to be able to find it again so I will message you.
      I certainly have strong views on the UK government's murderous handling of Covid19. I just wish the pubic would fight back.
      Sue x

    3. Hi Sue ... my blog!!! Eeek, it's been a long while since I wrote anything but I've decided I shall update it and I'll send you the link once that's done,

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