
Monday 13 September 2021

Relief, and looking to the future

 Last week I succeeded in two important things that make life less worrisome: I've finished my course of vaccination and I've got new citizenship. I also managed to eat out for the first time in 18 months.

The vaccination and the Green Pass that results from it give me protection, obviously, but also give me access to services that are not available to the unvaccinated in Europe, such as long-distance travel, and entry to restaurants, cinemas, museums and so forth. 

The Italian citizenship returns me to the status of EU citizen which is essential for my work and life generally. My revulsion at Britain's new-found race hate and the rise in right-wing violence there, the increase in corruption and cronyism, the surveillance culture, the incompetence disguised as patriotism, and the hate I have witnessed and been subjected to, all persuaded me to leave. I need a home with robust civil protections and since Italy could give me that, here I am. 

So, looking to the future, I am enjoying the beautiful weather, swimming and exercising every day, and living quietly. The food is lovely, but I am watching my weight and gently getting slimmer so I will be able to slip into those more slender items soon. I have new makeup to enjoy as well. I will be getting a new, more valuable passport, a health card and a voting card in due course and then, when Covid is over, life should get back to normal but in a different place with a different lifestyle. I am going to start putting out feelers to find other TGirls in the area. I also hope to post photos of the beautiful places I can now visit. I've been though over five years of total chaos since the fateful day the balcony collapsed and whilst it's essential not to tempt fate, I do feel the worst is behind me and there's a new more constructive future ahead.  

A dip in the archives

I'm currently living on the coast and the sun and sea air have done my health no end of good. Here's a seaside tale from September 2013 when I visited Stella at her new home in Brighton, England. That was a really enjoyable weekend before work started up in earnest.

Link: A break at the seaside


High above the beach on the Brighton Wheel, an attraction open in the years 2011-16

Sue x