
Thursday 14 October 2021

How (not) to get a head

 A few days ago a shop I regularly go to was newly stocked with Hallowe'en stuff including cheap nasty wigs, but one was in a long black style I've been thinking about recently so I paid my €6.99 for cheapo static-crackling nylon goodness thinking that it would give me a rough preview of the style without first going to a specialist for a fitting. It also reminded me of the days, long before I ever got out or went to a dressing service, when the joke shop wig (in totally the wrong style, shape, size, material and authenticity) somehow helped improve an already dubious appearance. Still, one does what one can with what is available and I know many of my trans friends have been there, too.

But now a problem on my scalp I've had all my life has flared up again quite badly. I had small-scale surgery back in 2008 that resolved the immediate problem but didn't cure the issue. I hope it will sort itself out without my needing medical intervention again. In short, I'm not sure wearing a rough wig is such a great idea just at present. What with the eczema that killed my trans life in public a few years ago, I'm more than annoyed at this other health problem affecting my look. Still, I hope my normal good-quality wig will still be donnable this weekend when I hope to glam up a bit. Fingers crossed. More news as it happens.


Getting ahead on TV

I'm happy to report that the BBC's Good Morning news programme in the UK last Sunday interviewed transwoman Chrissie Chevasutt about her book and about being trans, and also Jenny Anne Bishop, a well-known trans activist. Media profiling like this always helps.

I'm delighted to hear that a children's drama series in Australia, First Day, starring young trans actress Evie Macdonald, has won an International Kids Emmy Award. This is great news as it shows trans subjects can make best-quality viewing.

Every time the trans profile is raised by well-regarded reporting or quality fiction, it can only be to the benefit of the trans community.


A dip in the archives

My last dip in the archives looked back ten years, this time I'm going back to October three years ago which was, believe it or not, the very last time I got out in public as Sue. This was a couple of weeks before I was due to move abroad but was then hit by a bicycle that put me on crutches. By the time I had recovered enough to regain reasonable mobility, Covid was on the loose. I seem to have had little luck these last few years! Anyway, here's the link to the last fun evening with friends Gina and Jo:

An evening with Jo and Gina

Sue x


  1. "... it can only be to the benefit of the trans community."

    👏 Indeed. Getting on and indeed, thriving.

    1. Thanks, Lynn. It helps when trans people are seen as normal. Sue x
