
Monday 20 May 2024

Back out in public at last!

 A quick post but with great news. 

It's been nearly six years since I was last able to get out in public. That's thanks to moving abroad, a damaged leg, Covid lockdowns and having my life scattered in various places.

But today I put my makeup on, tidied up my hair (which the wind promptly untidied again!) and went on a tour of the far North East of Scotland with my wonderful friend Roz acting as hostess, chaperone and driver. She's a star.

We visited the towns of Tain and Dornoch, Dunrobin Castle, and the watery beauties of the Dornoch Firth, Loch Fleet and the Kyle of Sutherland. An amazing day in spring sunshine.

There will be more on my British break soon but I just wanted to share this wonderful news and some photos as proof!

I did feel nervous first thing this morning. After all, it's been a long time. But soon I was back in my stride. I guess going out dressed is a bit like riding a bicycle. Once you have got over the initial nerves and uncertainties, it's something you ease back into readily enough. 

I plan to be out and about next weekend, too.

Rose garden in Tain

Dunrobin Castle

Kyle of Sutherland

Struie Hill

 Sue x


  1. That's truly fabulous news, Sue! 🩷 Really happy for you and I hope you & Roz had a truly fantastic time out on your wee break.

    1. Thank you very much, Lynn. I've rarely packed so much into a wee break before and it was absolutely fantastic. Sue x

  2. That is wonderful dear Sue, fabulous that you went out enfemme. And you look great. It surely was a great pleasure for you. All the best

    1. Thank you very much, Violetta. And thanks for your kind words about my appearance. Sue x

  3. Dear Sue, How wonderful to see you out and about in colour, in nature, and in your preferred gender. I trust that the joy thereof will make you not stop again, whatever reasons there may be. I wish we could all go out hiking together with you. You're up for it Lynn, Violetta? Love Franzi

    1. Thank you very much, Franzi. It would be fun to go hiking with you, certainly. I am hoping to visit Germany soon and maybe we can get together in Frankfurt as a start. Sue x

  4. Lovely that you got back out, and that the gap to your next adventure is so short - looking fab too. I hope you have a lovely weekend wherever you end up ! I am assuming I'm unlikely to bump into you at Blackpool :)

    Izzy x

    1. Thanks, Izzy. Blackpool is not on my itinerary. But I hope to be in the Nottingham area this summer and will try to drop into a Chams meeting if I can. Sue x
