Thursday 20 June 2024

Mellow midsummer

 I'm writing just as the sun's path reaches its northernmost point in the sky and we in the Northern Hemisphere get our shortest nights and longest days. I feel at my best. Like a walking plant, sunlight is my ultimate energy. Well, that and ravioli.

The Italian meteorological office has just issued a report examining various climate factors since the year 2000 and, of all the 104 provinces in Italy, that of Imperia, where I now live, is the one with the best climate overall. My health has certainly improved since moving here, and that was part of the plan.



I have had the pleasure of hosting my friend Stella and her wife here this week. We were neither in full fem mode - there's a limit to what a flamboyant girl like Stella is allowed to carry on a plane! And I have to be a bit discreet with the neighbours. It was nice to catch up, eat some tasty meals together, and I hope to see them again soon at their home in England.

It was Stella who took the photo that has always been the background image of my blog. It was taken on a picnic at Painshill Park in Southern England back in 2011, a trip that inspired me to start writing this blog. 650 posts later, and I've not forgotten the inspiration.

She also took this fabulous portrait of me ten years ago:

Check out Stella's professional shots here: Stellapix

On Saturday I have my nephew coming for a couple of days. This involves deprincessing. He's a young person and may well be more flexible about LGBT+ stuff than his ultra religious upbringing would have us believe, especially as he heads off to university this autumn, but I won't take chances with the crazy belief systems he's come from.

Trans Youth Are Loved

I'm pleased to hear about this new campaign supported by lots of famous names to assure young trans people that they are seen, valued and supported. These last few years, with the pandemic interfering with life and studies, the increasing polarisation and nastiness of politics, the use of trans people as a scapegoat, it's not a good time to be growing up if you are trans. So I hope the campaign is effective and encouraging. #TransYouthAreLoved

Also glad to hear that there were a million attendees at Rome Pride at the weekend.

Sue x

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Pride and preparation

 This is Pride month and I'm pleased to hear of all the various events happening round the world. I notice in Rome there is a whole train on the metro painted in Pride colours, and I was pleasantly surprised to see in my old home town of Twickenham, UK, that the main crossing in the middle of the High Street was a huge rainbow flag.

So if you're participating in an event this month, do enjoy it.

I'm preparing to welcome my trans friend Stella and her wife who are coming to stay this weekend. Stella and I did a whole bunch of stuff together in England, such as the TGirl bars at the 2011 and 2013 Erotica shows, and various events in London and Brighton promoting trans visibility. 

Stella (left) and the girls on Waterloo Bridge in the centre of London


My friend Ann Drogyny passed away last month. I had too many other commitments to be able to go to her funeral but I hear it was a colourful event, just as she would have wanted. 

There was a last laugh. Apparently, because of traffic, the hearse was 45 minutes late. So Ann, who was always punctual in life, arrived late for her own funeral. That final irony would have tickled her!

I note also the passing of Lynn Conway, trans pioneer, who did something that I don't understand with computer stuff but who is nevertheless one of the better-known members of the trans community. Pink News obituary. May she rest in peace.

Rest in peace also, Stacy Novak, long associated with Transliving in the UK, its events and magazine.

Sue x

Friday 7 June 2024

The best laid plans ...

 I had hoped to update my blog with details of my progress in the UK throughout last month but blogging is always dependent on there being decent WiFi or phone reception ... and that's not always guaranteed in hotels or rural locations, and there were a lot of those.

I'm back home in the Mediterranean now after five weeks away and here this morning it's sunny and 25C. Compare this with a week ago when I was in bed with a cold after having been rained on again and again. Indeed, it hardly stopped raining throughout my time in Britain ... apart from a glorious time in the Highlands of Scotland where, despite its being said that there are four seasons a day, we actually had perfect spring weather for six days.

Hieland lassie


It was a very mixed trip with beautiful, interesting and exciting highlights - details and photos that couldn't be uploaded whilst there will be here soon - but several depressing lowlights. To be honest, although I spent quite some time visiting old haunts, I didn't feel especially nostalgic or that I missed them. I was actually quite glad to pass through the Channel Tunnel into France, enjoy the craziness of Paris and a quality dinner, and appreciate the beauty and warmth of the riviera, all on trains zooming at 300+ km/h, a total contrast to British railways where not one single journey went to plan.

I've managed to break the drought of my public appearances, though (see the last two posts), and that's a very special achievement. I have put out feelers to trans groups here in Italy and I hope to make new trans girlfriends here.

I may be back in the UK in July to catch up with other friends there, and I've been invited to Sparkle, which I'll think about as it's never a cheap event. 

Here's a giant slice of tiramisù that I was served in Paris. Yes, my diet did take a hit! But we're on track for an athletic summer of swimming and walking so I'll be back in my littlest dresses again soon.


Sue x