I’m being silly – of course I know who David Bowie is. But I
didn’t at the time. Which means I have felt a bit left out this week following his
death as most of my trans friends have been saying what a profound influence he
was on them. Blame it partly on my poor ear for music but mainly on the fact
that characters such as him didn’t really feature in the house I grew up in.
Glam rock, now that did feature and it was hugely
influential. I did ask my mother, on hearing ‘The Sweet” on some kid’s TV show,
“Why are those men dressed as women?” And in her characteristic way she
replied, “Because they’re silly.” Arguably true, but uninformative. So I missed
the Bowie phenomenon, although other contemporary forces were at working on my little
mind. I’m sorry for the loss that my friends are feeling.
Alan Rickman, the actor, also died this week. I especially
enjoyed his turn as the oily Reverend Obadiah Slope in the Barchester Chronicles. A loss also.
Since writing last week, I can say that I no longer see
signs of the eczema on my face and neck that has afflicted me for the last two
years, nor even feel it now. This doesn’t mean it’s cured, but I remain hopeful. A
few weeks to go.
Since New Year I have lost 6 and a half pounds (3kg) in
weight, just shy of half a stone. Pleased with my progress there as well.
Sue x