Monday 8 June 2020

Candid camera

I found this down the back of the internet just now.

(c) Paul Jones 2012

Taken by one Paul Jones at the Sparkle trans event in 2012.

I have no recollection at all of it being taken. None whatever. Maybe he sneaks about in bushes and snaps unsuspecting women. We know his sort! It's fake anyway, it's not like you'd ever catch me gazing into a mirror now is it?

I jest as I'm actually delighted to come across it. I was all dolled up nicely with careful makeup and my lovely coral-pink lace dress, having just hosted the Angels Sparkle lunch.

This unexpected find anticipates a handful of posts I am going to be writing over the next month about my sudden explosion onto the trans scene and into the real world in June/July ten years ago that ushered in the happiest couple of years of my life. With all the unpleasant and frightening things that have hit the world so far this year, I hope they will provide some happy relief.

Sue x


  1. That's a very flattering photo, Ms Richmond.

    Crikey. A decade of T shenanigans. Come on, spill the tea ;-)

    1. Thank you, I like it.

      Now be patient, it takes time to craft a blog post. And even more time to crank my aging memory up.

      Sue x
