Monday, 15 June 2020

The bathroom bill racket

To those many British trans people who have been distressed by their government's threats of bathroom bills, I would like to point out that such moves are a form of racketeering and should be called that.

A racket is formed when a problem is created and a solution offered by the same party for ongoing gain. In this case, a non-existent problem (predatory trans women) is 'solved' by protection being offered to a favoured party (non-trans women). So it's a form of protection racket, the sort of thing the mafia relies on, as well as corrupt governments everywhere.

This is not just a discriminatory act, but involves coercing trans people into fearing using gendered toilets. It sows fear in both cis and trans women where there was none before, divides society and so strengthen's the government's hand by allowing it to be both damager and fixer.

Don't be bullied. Recognise mobsters for what they are.

Sue x


  1. Whatever the reason, bathroom bills or otherwise, I still attempt to avoid using any public restrooms, to the greatest extent possible. Fear? Maybe. Dislike of possible confrontation? More likely. I wish it weren't so...maybe someday!

    1. I'm very sorry to hear that, Mandy. I've no idea how you manage on long days out. I have not had any real problems to speak of, but then I move in a different sphere, mainly big cities, where there is a lot of diversity so more acceptance generally. I hope things will become better for you. Sue x

  2. Gah :-( What a crock. Not exactly inline with modern views and also that of navy high street shop changing rooms.

    1. Yes, that's a good point. You can try clothes in the ladies changing rooms, but not use the loo! When butch muscular transmen start to post photos of themselves working out at the gym and asking if the government really intends to send them to the Ladies I have a feeling that this vicious idea will be shelved.

      That said, I keep warning everyone I know about the UK's deranged government, the fact the UK is unique in having no basic law or written constitution and will soon lose access to human rights arbitration. The future under these psychos is horrific, which is why I left when I did.

      Sue x

    2. When the US had similar concerns about bathroom bills, I remember two trans folk posting a bathroom selfie. One was of buff looking cowboy type, he was using the ladies' facilities given his birth sex. Likewise, a young professional woman took a photo of herself in the men's room for the same reason. You would pass them on the street and never know.

      The idea that blocking trans people from using the loo as per their original identification puts trans people at risk, forces them out of the closet, and I feel it does not address the real issue: predatory men.

      Fun fact: there's been more arrests of American politicians around lewd behaviour in bathrooms than trans people. Yet, here we are again in the UK. :-(

    3. Thanks, Lynn, that sort of US transman photo is what I had in mind.

      As for politicians, I though lewd behaviour was a prerequisite for the job!

      I have emailed the cabinet office today (the no. 10 site has gone down!) and there is a petition on

      Sue x
