Tuesday 17 September 2024

Suitcase pack, and epilation record

 I'm going away for a couple of weeks and I have two cases, one with my usual andro clothes and one with fully fem clothes. Yes, I have planned several girly outings. I feel a new lease of girl life this year after all those years of sickness, emigration, pandemic and so forth. I'm in little doubt that whatever I get up to will be recorded here in due course.

Where am I off to? ...You'll see.

I'm not going to write again about how to pack your girly suitcase. I see I've done that more than once! So, having followed all my tips, I think I'm set.

I was amazed and pleased at doing my first all-over epilation after summer in just 45 minutes. This is the big one, where I remove the gorilla suit. Being in the pool all summer is the one time I don't wear anything femme, so I let my body hair grow to match. I love the summer, I hate the hair, but that's how it is. So autumn has its merits. But I'm impressed at my new-found speed. Maybe it's just a burning desire to be smooth and feminine again as fast as possible. It's not quite perfect but we can deal with straggling hairs over the next few days. I book into hotels that I know have good showers for this reason. 

British readers of a certain age (ahem) may recall the late Roy Castle who hosted a very long-running children's programme called The Record Breakers in which he and the founding editors of the Guinness Book of Records, Norris and Ross McWhirter, presented various things and people of unique speed, height, size, etc. It always ended with the dreadful closing theme song, Dedication, sung and played (on the trumpet) by Castle and it used to drive my mother nuts. It used to drive me nuts, too, but more because the implication of the song was that in order to be recorded in the Guinness publication you had to be dedicated to breaking whatever record it was, which didn't sit well with the interview they'd just done with the guy with the biggest nose or the visit they'd just made to the world's explodiest volcano or how they'd just petted world's lollopiest bunny rabbit or whatever it was. As if you had to devote time and energy simply to existing as the most extreme in your class. Anyway, I wanted to ask if, whilst you are doing mindless tasks like epilating, a stream of consciousness ramble fills your head and you wonder if, say, there might be a irritating set of lyrics for a song Epilation to be sung in the shower whilst you get on with creating the smoothest set of legs in the world. I wish my brain wouldn't work like this but I'm sure it's not just me. Is it, nurse?

The one thing missing from my case, though, is my pink camera. I can't find it anywhere. I really don't want to use the blue one. Pink is for girls and blue is for boys, as everyone knows; those are the rules and I didn't make them. 

Missing - reward


Sue x


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. All the best for your travel. And take the blue camera. In former times blue was the colour for the females.
    Greetings from Greece

    1. Thank you, Violetta. I hope you're having a nice time in Greece. Sue x

  3. Hope your adventure is a fab one ! Sorry to hear of camera loss, hope there was nothing incriminating on the memory card ! 😂

    I don't find epilating fun, laser on the legs is on my to-do list !

    Izzy xx

    1. Thanks, Izzy. There's a faint possibility I might get to Chameleons next week.

      I suspect I have merely mislaid the camera. But I am a lady and there's nothing improper on my memory card, ever. Boring I know! lol

      Sue x

  4. "....with the dreadful closing theme song..."

    So, you didn't hum the tune and add, "Epilation's what you need"? 🙂

    Good luck on your travels and finding the camera. BTW, next Chams meeting is 26/09/2024
