Friday, 31 January 2025

Domestic demigoddess

 Photos today ... every TGirl's necessity! 

Relaxing at home today

I dress in womenswear every day, but not everything I wear is of interest. I had planned to spend last weekend taking photos wearing various new items I'd bought but almost as soon as I'd posted here last Friday I developed a sore throat that turned into a full-blown cold that lasted the next four days. I did take some photos but my red nose and worse-for-wear look means they're not going to show up on the internet! 

I'm much better now and have been carrying on with my plan where I left off. Really, I'm just wanting to get an idea of what I actually look like in my everyday wear which, like most women, is mainly leggings, jeans, comfortable shoes, tops that are practical and warm rather than flashy ... It's not exciting or showy but I have always just wanted to blend in, be seen as and treated like the woman I feel I am. So today's photos are just me at home in jeans, sports leggings and a wool skirt doing domestic stuff. I've gone for a pink theme in my top, jewellery, lipstick and nails. This is my normal look, though I don't usually bother with all the makeup - after all, who's normally looking?

Pink sweater of the day and the mules I always wear round the house, with skinny jeans.


And with boots.


I've lost weight so the boots used to fit my calves more snugly when I bought them. This suggests it's time to buy a new pair. I'll have to go boots shopping again soon. How tragic! 

It's only by looking at photos that you realise things like this, hence the point of the exercise. A mirror only shows you what's in front, not properly from other angles.

Now grey sports leggings, a pair I love. Again the weight loss has made them looser and more wrinkly around the knees, which is not so good. I see I've still got to lose weight around the waist.

I think the dusty pink and the grey work well together. I'd wear a longer top to go out, though, as there are few women who can pull off the leggings-as-trousers look effectively without revealing too much.

A comfortable flared black knit skirt with the same sweater. I've got a pair of pink shoes but, annoyingly, they're coral pink and clash with the dusty pink, so I've chosen black suede kitten heels, which go nicely with the skirt.

But there's too much black with the tights ... but it's winter so plain sheer tights are not right for the season ... so much to think about! Cup of tea needed.

The mules are back here and they work well ... But now it's the Porky Pig mug that is the wrong shade of pink!

... A TGirl's work is never done!

I should do this more often but it's a question of getting half a day without interruptions. I'm sure most of you can relate to that.

Slimming, the benefits of whisky, and food by truck

I lost another pound (0.4 kg) this week. Ideally, it would have been more but having a cold and the winter weather meant I ate stodgier food and broke Dry January by making hot whisky toddy. Believe me, when you have an irritating cold - not one that keeps you in bed but just the sore throat, runny nose, slight headache, bit of a temperature type - there really is nothing better. It's what whisky was invented for, after all. 

To make toddy: put a measure of whisky in a glass or mug, add a sugarlump (brown is preferable to white) and add an equal measure of hot water, stir in the sugar and drink slowly. The barley soothes the throat, the heat clears your nose, the alcohol disinfects your passages, the sugar gives you a bit of an energy boost. Some people add a squeeze of lemon for Vitamin C but I don't as I find the acid neutralises the soothing effect of the barley on the throat. NB Use cheap cooking whisky, not your best single malt!

Still, my weight is going down overall, which is what it's supposed to do. 

I've also started ordering from a food delivery firm and their bags of frozen veg for soup and sides are filling my freezer. As a new customer, they gave me some promotional bags of frozen pasta and sauce, which I have never had in my life but turned out to be surprisingly good. Mind you, wild boar sauce is pretty special if you can get it. 

Very nice young delivery guy, too. I find the younger generation to be excellent workers, polite and helpful. Well, certainly here in Italy they are.


The Western Mediterranean received the southern portion of the weather system known as Storm Eowyn in the British Isles, which we call Tempesta Herminia. As with the other storms this winter, its caused a fair bit of damage. My TV ariel cable has been brought down by this latest one. Combined with things previously blowing away or falling from the roof, and the earthquake in December that cracked my plaster, it's not been a good winter so far. Stay safe.

Sue x


  1. Thank you for this, it is how I tend to dress day to day and it is affirming to hear that someone else dresses casually with no make up. The online images we so often see of folk like us are people glammed up.

    I don't think the black skirt and tights is too much black . Most women in the UK would be styling that skirt in the same way at this time of year

    1. Thanks, Cathy. I especially appreciate your comment on the wintry black.

      I wear what I see other women wearing and, let's face it, most wear jeans, leggings and the like and wear full makeup only to go to work or for some special event. To be fair to other TGirls, most can snatch only occasional time to dress and so need to make the most of it. I used to glam up, too, till I arranged my life so that daily dressing became possible and with that the casual, comfortable and contemporary clothes that I love. Sue x

  2. I dress gynandrously almost everyday at home, usually just two-tone and black is often featured, mainly for comfy cardis. Certainly in Winter, I see no issues with black on black for either top half or bottom - its only if its all over it might get a bit goth! Skin probs have taken the pleasure of makeup away and last Christmas when out and about in Ireland I only used the lightest MAC studio fix powder + blusher, if any, and even that was only up to my cheek bones (wearing glasses and being my age, no one looks, although lippy is a must for me). I keep planning on having a day testing out different combinations for the camera, but it's too chilly in my old house ... roll on Spring!

    The joys of home deliveries ... we started with lock-down and now when I'm going away, I organise one for the day I return, so I can concentrate on the clothes washing!!! Hmm, wild boar sauce ... sounds delicious for a carnivore like me, the last time I had wild boar was in Corsica.

    1. Thanks, Nikki

      I've been thinking about whether there is a material difference between dressing gynandrously and dressing androgynously.

      Like you, skin problems have made me change my makeup regime pretty drastically and I use only one layer of light water-based foundation nowadays. I worry about a reaction which is why I avoid makeup as a rule and my photos and public appearances have been much less than they were. Another 3-4 year bout of eczema and I'll be giving up on the public side of me for good.

      Let's see how the home delivery works out long-term. Pity they only do food not clothes and other stuff!

      Sue x
