OK, it's new year and resolutions must be made.
I have only one, and it's the one that everyone makes: lose weight.
Until two years ago I was a healthy 10 stone 6 on average. My absolute optimum is 10 stone exactly (I'm only 5 foot 5, you see). But as of now I am just short of 12 stone and therefore overweight, and it shows - just look at last year's photos. So I must lose two stone.
I think it may be back to Slimming World, or similar. I will bore you, Bridget Jones style, with my current weight after each new post till the embarrassment gets me slim again.
Sue x
12 stone - v. bad
Try this one, I've lost two stone and my partner has lost 3....
If it's any help, Mrs J tried - and dare I say, did very well - with MyFitnessPal. It's a browser / smartphone app that lets you log what you eat. There's no special rules - well, other than only eating your calorie intake for the day. The nice bit about it is you can trade off a long walk for a Mars bar. ;-)
ReplyDeleteAll I'll say, Sue, is that my extra 1.5 in in height is equivalent to 1.5 stone! I think we're in the same boat ... or maybe we'd better make sure we're not with all these waves about.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your suggestions, ladies. I'm sticking to what I learned at Slimming World but will have a close look at your alternatives, too. Sue x