Monday 6 January 2014


OK, it's new year and resolutions must be made.

I have only one, and it's the one that everyone makes: lose weight.


Until two years ago I was a healthy 10 stone 6 on average. My absolute optimum is 10 stone exactly (I'm only 5 foot 5, you see). But as of now I am just short of 12 stone and therefore overweight, and it shows - just look at last year's photos. So I must lose two stone.

I think it may be back to Slimming World, or similar. I will bore you, Bridget Jones style, with my current weight after each new post till the embarrassment gets me slim again.

Sue x

12 stone - v. bad


  1. Try this one, I've lost two stone and my partner has lost 3....

  2. If it's any help, Mrs J tried - and dare I say, did very well - with MyFitnessPal. It's a browser / smartphone app that lets you log what you eat. There's no special rules - well, other than only eating your calorie intake for the day. The nice bit about it is you can trade off a long walk for a Mars bar. ;-)

  3. All I'll say, Sue, is that my extra 1.5 in in height is equivalent to 1.5 stone! I think we're in the same boat ... or maybe we'd better make sure we're not with all these waves about.

  4. Thank you for your suggestions, ladies. I'm sticking to what I learned at Slimming World but will have a close look at your alternatives, too. Sue x
