Thursday 3 June 2021

Pride Month - take care

 This month is Pride Month in much of the world so I'm wishing all others in the LGBT+ community every good thing. I hope that improvements in our lives and rights continue. 

Here in Italy there seems to be a lot of public support for a bill currently in parliament to improve the law in the area of discrimination. It's coupled with improvements on dealing with discrimination against women and disabled people, too, so it's not purely a minority matter. 

If you go to a Pride event, have fun. Take care with Covid advice even if you have been immunised.

If you are still invisible, in the closet, yet might still be reading this, be aware that you are very far from alone. One day, in your own time and if and as you wish, you can live the life that was meant for you.

If you are in a country or situation where you or people like you are being persecuted or discriminated against, be aware that a lot is being done within and without to deal with this. Take care of yourself.

Most of all we need to take care because of many ongoing campaigns in many countries against trans people. A peculiar, unholy alliance of disparate, usually mutually antagonistic groups are now allying to discriminate against trans people, notably in places like the US and UK. Having failed in the developed world to keep homosexuality criminalised, having failed to stop legal recognition of gay relationships/marriage, having failed to increase discriminatory provisions against gay people, they are now turning to the smaller, more disparate and less organised trans community, presumably hoping they will be an easier nut to crack. 

A much greater proportion of trans people are still hiding than are now hiding in the gay community. Most trans people are not out to friends or family, not out in the neighbourhood, not visible even online. People like me who are visible are rare, a small proportion of the whole. And yet having the overwhelming majority of trans people still too frightened to emerge from the shadows just isn't good enough for these anti-trans groups who, in essence, want to rid society of us. So take care, or rather watch out!

This is why we need Pride. One day we won't. But that day is still a long way away.



A dip in the archives

In 2018 I went to Pride in London, a massive and positive event that an estimated one million people attended. Here's my report:

London Pride 2018

Sue x

Cari lettori italiani

Tempo fa ho visto che c'erano parecchi lettori di questo blog in Italia. Adesso che mi trovo in Italia, c'è meno gente italiana che lo legge! Questo si capisce dalle statistiche che il sistema produce. Continuerò a scrivere qualche parola in italiano su ogni post nella speranza che potrebbe essere interessante e utile per capire quello che c'è scritto qui in inglese.

Oggi parlo un po' della legge Zan e dei problemi che ci pone l'omotransfobia. Nel mese in cui normalmente si celebra Pride, dobbiamo stare attenti alla malizia di gruppi transfobici.

Sue x


  1. "...they are now turning to..."

    I was going to say 'turning on' as in bullying, but then I realised the phrase turning on may have a second and wholly inappropriate meaning 😁

    Yes, to ask the things you said about a group seemingly turning on us as a community. The same old fear and loathing, plus of course the "we're just trying to protect children" BS.

    Maybe... rather than telling people they're wrong, sinful, or confused, they could listen and maybe learn something. But that might mean leaving dogma behind and opening one's heart to the situation... with a rush that you might empathise with your fellow humans.

    Until then, we'll need Pride.

    PS: good post and cute outfit in the photo.

    1. "...with a *risk* that you might..." even. Whoops! 🙂

    2. Thank you, Lynn. The problems of malice and the need of many to dominate others have been taxing my mind for years. Trying to reason or appeal to better nature doesn't seem to work. Some people are born trans and, for different reasons, some people are born nasty. The latter has been pretty much established by criminal psychologists, for example, as regards their field. If governments put as much effort into establishing the causes of being trans as they have done into the causes of being criminal, the entire 'debate' around trans people (i.e. bullying of them and defence by them) would not exist. Sue x
