Friday 17 May 2024

Checking in, checking out

 Hello blog, just checking in with a short post.

I had a rotten week last week, hence no posts as planned, but all is well now as I have arrived in Scotland and had a nice 24 hours in Edinburgh followed by arrival in Inverness where I an staying with my friend Roz.

Royal Mile, Edinburgh

We have hired a car and today, being a perfect spring day, we went on a grand tour of the Highlands. Much more detail in due course but I feel a lot more relaxed. Thanks, Roz.

Loch Ness

 Sue x


  1. Sorry to hear the first week has been a bit pants.

    I hope your Highland tour goes well. Are you planning on visiting any of the local castles? Some really cool old forts and homes that way.

    If there's rain in Scotland, at least that'll keep the midges away 🙂

    1. Thanks, Lynn.
      We may visit Cawdor Castle and Fort George. So far it's been wonderful and the weather has been springlike. May it continue!
      Sue x
