Friday, 7 February 2025

Musical interlude - silly cosplay

 And now it's melody time, folks ... thus did late Northern English comic Les Dawson introduce the musical segment in his show, which always descended into wrong notes and chaos (and often mother-in-law jokes). Where I live we are now plunging headlong into the annual musical mêlée that is the Sanremo Music Festival, when 29 contestants provide top telly for five nights next week. Although hundreds of millions of euros ride on this festival, and 1500 direct jobs, the area becomes a no-go zone unless you are involved in the music or broadcasting industries. So I'm going away for some of it! 

This month there is also the Sanremo baroque music festival. Which is a bit of a contrast.

Like Les Dawson, my musical capabilities are questionable.* But I thought I ought to get into the spirit of the thing and show I'm not some grumpy old woman. The only instrument I have, however, is an old plastic recorder, like we had to learn to play at school. Decades later, I still haven't progressed much beyond Frère Jacques!


However, here are three characters who are experts and present my Baroque, Jazz and Rock festival with solo recorder!

Firstly, ancient music with Philomena Toot playing J.S. Bach's Sonata for Solo Recorder in Z flat (BWV 1745b) on a fine and delicate descant recorder manufactured during Bach's own lifetime by the Meissen plastic manufacturies.


The Jazz Lady now, who presents a syncopated number. If you haven't heard jazz recorder, you really haven't heard toe-tapping music. Ron Burgundy and his jazz flute is nothing to this.


More in the spirit of Sanremo Festival is the rock recorder. Easier and cheaper to smash on stage than a guitar, this is the new sound of 2025. Some photos to accompany the new album.

I'm not sure which was my favourite outfit. The disco pants, glittery slogan T-shirt, wild hair and leather jacket was fun


But the jazz outfit is seriously comfortable. The wide-leg trousers from Marks & Spencer are some of my favourite everyday wear. In fact, the day I bought them, the shop assistant happened to be wearing a pair and enthused about them to me. Sold!

I tried some more leggy numbers, too, but they may be a bit too short, even for a fake music festival.


I really like the way I look in the second of these.

So I had an afternoon's silly fun. After all, there's nothing more enjoyable than experimenting with outfits. Part of the joy of being trans.

What do you think?

Anyway, I plan to write another post before going away, and then next weekend I'll tell you where I've been to avoid the chaos.

I'll just end the musical theme with a link to satirical songwriter Mitch Benn's brilliant and funny take this week on the new US government's definition of sex intended to attack trans people, Everybody in America is Female. A health warning, though, about Mitch's obscene language.


Have a nice weekend. Relax with your favourite music, whatever it is.

Sue x

* Actually, Les Dawson was a very good professional pianist who played in clubs before going on the comedy circuit ... which is why he understood so well exactly when and how to introduce wrong notes.


  1. "...If you haven't heard jazz recorder..."

    Consider yourself blessed? 😉

    Maybe it's just me, but I've yet to hear any modern jazz that doesn't sound like it's from The Fast Shows's Jazz Club 😁

    Good luck with your day - and night - with the music festival.

    PS: Loved the disco outfit look. Seemed very modern 🩷

    1. Thanks, Lynn. The whole thing is more than a bit tongue-in-cheek (or mouthpiece in cheek) - just needed an excuse to dress up on a Friday afternoon. I detest jazz, especially trad jazz, and Fast Show / Anchorman jazz is kind of what was going on in my mind. Jazz recorder really is a thing, believe it or not, and YouTube has some examples (which I will not link to!) Next jam sess will involve folk recorder!

      I wish I was young and could properly pull off a funky outfit! But I genuinely like the groovy look and it's very much the fashion where I am now living, even - especially - among the older demographic.

      The festival opened just before I answered your comment and so I have just enjoyed the beautiful firework display over the town centre and laser show from the ship offshore.

      Sue x

  2. Dear Sue, A lovely story and a very nice series of pictures. Franzi

  3. I would love to hear you playing the flute, dear Sue. Nice outfits, especially the short one...(haha...I think you like it most, too) . Referring to your last I woun´t live in a transphobic country....I hope I never will....
    For my part I love Rock-Music like Deep Purple, Jethro Tull, Live, Marillion with fish, to name a few.
    Have a good time and all the best

    1. I am a bad musician, Violetta, so I don't think you would enjoy my music at all! lol! I listen to quite a wide range of music but I'm not interested in the pop music of the festival here.
      I'm told I have nice legs and since I am quite short, a short skirt works better than a long one. I will try some shorter outfits in future. Just for you lol!
      Thanks for reading the previous post, too. This transphobia is a worry, especially with crazy people in charge in a big country like the USA. But I moved country because I was worried about the craziness of Britain ... and I will move again if I have to. Let's work to make sure things don't get worse.
      Thanks for visiting.
      Sue x

  4. Jazz recorder did you say? :)

    1. Hi Jonathan, again sorry for the delay in replying. Yes, I did spot that guy as I was writing the post and I couldn't quite believe it at first but I guess hearing is believing! I don't think it'll catch on!

      Sue x
