Back in November I was pleasantly surprised to note that my breasts seemed to have increased in size. To update on my previous post on this when I wasn't completely sure that my breasts had grown more, I'm quite certain now that they have.
It's odd because I experienced rapid, noticeable and quite painful breast growth 15 years ago when my body and mind seem to coalesce around my needing to live much more as a woman. After that, things just remained as they were but now I have had this further growth, this time without any aches, and despite losing weight and so reducing in size everywhere else.
Why I'm not getting that ache I had last time they expanded, I don't know.
I have never taken hormones and never would without close medical supervision. (I've seen too many trans women damage their health by self-medicating, and even some under the doctor have developed significant side-effects.) So I'm not sure why this expansion is happening. Let me make it clear that I am definitely not complaining, I'm delighted, especially when some poor trans women on hormones grumble that they're not getting the development they'd hoped for. I'm somewhere between an A cup and B cup now. I recently read this size described as Yoga Breasts.
I have a couple of trans friends who have naturally developed C cups. Which is bad news in their male-dominated jobs but makes the rest of us jealous when they come into their own at the trans club. Maybe I'm heading for a gorgeous cleavage, too! One can hope.
My favourite bra for everyday wear at the moment is Marks & Spencers T-shirt bras in polymers (polyamide/elastane/spandex mix) rather than my previous preference for their cotton ones. They come in three-packs in various shades - nude, white, black, blue, pink ... but work well with many types of top. They're underwired and for the first time I really feel that the wire has something to support. They're also very soft, pleasantly comfortable to wear and I find the satin finish quite pretty for a straightforward item. Another recommendation, then.
Apart from being called "Madam / Ma'am" by shop or restaurant staff, there is little more affirming for me as a trans woman than putting my bra on in the morning and, now that I have something to fill it, I feel really good. To be honest, I can't stop staring at my chest in the mirror now! Is that bad?
I did wonder whether to post a photo of my new growth but even with my bra on that sort of pic tends to attract the wrong kind of reader. I'll think about it (and so will the wrong kind of reader!)
Quicksilver x 3
Healthwise, I'm feeling quite a bit better this week and the quicksilver in the thermometer is back to normal so thank you for your kind, supportive comments.
There's also this new sculpture near the entrance to the swanky new 5-star Europa Palace hotel here, which represents a shoal of anchovies, a local prized fish, swarming into a bait-ball. Anchovy shoals are so often described as quicksilver and this seems to capture that well, although I'm not sure the effect on the side of the building is as impressive as nature. Judge for yourselves.
And talking of Mercury (see what I did there?), I was delighted to see the planet shining bright on Saturday night after decades of missing it (clouds, wrong location, forgetfulness ...). I took a photo but it was too faint to show well. You can see for it yourselves, though, as it's currently near its greatest distance from the sun, which is why it's easily discernible, and close to bright Venus at sunset.
Have a good week, and I hope next time, despite the derangement that's coming out of Washington (and Moscow and Beijing) these days, to be able to share additional positive trans news as there's a lot of good stuff for us going on worldwide.
Sue x
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