Tuesday, 25 March 2025

Spring cleaning ... in more ways than one

 How to do business with the USA if you're trans. 

This week the weather has improved a lot and there's a new smell in the air here, of warm beach. I sensed it as I walked along the promenade in the sunshine today. It's time to open the windows and get the garden furniture out. I've been able to eat my lunch outdoors every day since Sunday, at last. Normally here you can do that quite a few times over the winter but not this year, as I have already lamented.


We have a bumper crop of oranges outside the front door this year. Sadly, they're the bitter ornamental variety and no good for eating. But they look jolly.

So yes, it's time for spring cleaning, planting herbs and generally getting busy. First, though, I've decided that my working time over the next week will be dedicated to completing the saving of this blog in an alternative format in case it needs to migrate. So far Blogger has been run by Google and I use Apple products and these companies are still, as far as I can judge, the more hippy, less Trumpy ends of the US IT industry, so I don't expect an immediate problem. But it's clear that the USA is going to pot fast so I'd like to be sure of my continued existence in electronic media. Frankly, the sooner the rest of the world can dump its reliance on US products and services, the better. There's a huge potential for European and South Asian development in the IT and other sectors now; an unexpected windfall. 

I'm no longer bothered about having lost my Facebook account to hackers six months ago. Given that Facebook's focus was increasingly on adverts or clips that might be of interest rather than what my friends were up to, and given the Zuckster's increasing cuddling up to Trump, and given the harvesting of personal information that's always been FB's policy, I think it's time to dump it and US-based social media sites like it. They're not very safe. As one alternative with a trans focus, I'm thinking of getting more active again on TV Chix, a UK-based trans forum that I didn't use to like much as it was quite sleazy once but seems less so now. There have been some good suggestions for other sites and platforms from other trans bloggers recently, like Izzy here and Lynn here.

I'm sorry for American readers of this blog, who are pretty well adjusted and humane to judge by their comments and other reading preferences, and who probably share my disgust. But the reality is that US tech lords' current bullying, spying on, threatening customers or encouraging threatening situations are actually bad business moves. As American businessmen of Trump's generation are so fond of saying with a shrug when they ruin a community by shutting down its main source of employment or terminating a useful service: "it's just business". Or even "it is what it is, cupcake", a phrase beloved of The Donald, which he cheerfully uses with a shrug on occasions such as his brother dying or the pandemic killing over a million US citizens. People are quitting US businesses and markets fast right now. But if a country elects a failed businessman to run a government of dysfunctional psychopaths, what can you expect? And if cold approval of suffering is how the US administration approaches business these days, then we shrug at the shrinking US economy and state simply that it is what it is, cupcake. 

Sue x


  1. Sue -

    Most Americans disagree with Trump, but our system of electing presidents often does not let the majority rule. In this case, he is now a fully functional, malignant Russian Asset on a nihilist goal to destroy the United States and its democracy. Sadly, he is succeeding for now.

    I hate what he is doing to my country, and I am working on getting my second passport, so that I can have a new home in the EU if needed. Hopefully, I will be able to take my partner with me as a bride, getting her safe in the EU that way. Who knows? It is very scary here right now, and I have advised my niece NOT to come and visit her dad. (She is a US citizen.) And if she does, leave her hubby safe in the UK. If she decided to come here for a while, I told her to use a burner phone with "vanilla" social media connections, so that no Anti-Trump images, media, etc. can be picked up and used against her in the future.

    As for me, there is too much out there that I will not be able to erase. So, as I've posted in my blog, I am getting my "letters of transit" ready, so that I can catch the last plane to Lisbon (too many Casablanca movie references for comfort.)

    1. We've talked a lot about Trump, you and I. The 'moral majority' in the USA, which you suggest exists, has to deal with Trump's criminality and inhumanity as the courts and constitution don't seem to be able to. As you know, I decided to quit the UK after the Brexit vote especially following the threats and abuse to me personally and to human rights generally. They may now be coming to their senses there, and especially as Trump is stomping on the previous UK/US 'special relationship', but it is too late and the damage is done. I wish you luck with everythin, Marian. Sue x

  2. Mass EU/UK to Linux and open source systems in the 2025? Who had that on their bingo card? 😉

    I wonder if a certain dic(k)tator will be informed by the grown ups and big company owners, that they quite like operating in the EU, so won't fold. That may be entertaining to watch. Maybe Cupcake can post about it on Signal... again 😁

    1. As I replied to Marian above, the US courts and constitution have signally failed to contain Trump and his criminality (perhaps because his narcissism is such a weird outlier on the chart of human depravity) Intelligent and concerned American citizens, US businesses, and military and government officers need to create a cordon of sanity to contain the madness. In the same way that Brexit actually profited overall EU business in the long run as companies (like me) moved to the continent, the US chaos can only profit tech companies elsewhere who may offer less dodgy software and platforms.

      My blog saving continues ...

      Sue x
