Monday, 1 February 2016

Health progressing

I'm pleased to say that I have lost a total of nine pounds (4kg) in January and that I can start to come off this medication this week.

The weight loss is what it was at this stage last year but then my resolve just petered out. I have a feeling that this year I will actually get back to the weight I was when I first started this blog, i.e. 2 1/2 stone (15 kg) lighter than I am now.

As for the medication I have been on, I'll be glad to see the end of it. It looks and feels like slug slime and comes in a tube that has the size and feel of a squishy slug! You can imagine that it's not the pleasantest thing to have on your face. However, it seems to have done the trick of clearing my face and neck of visible eczema although my collarbone area is still a little inflamed and my chin still itches slightly. At the end of this coming week I go back to Guy's Hospital for patch tests to see what may have triggered it, in case anything in particular can be isolated and avoided.

Here's hoping.

Sue x

Coming up: the TGirl's Guide to Tax