Wednesday 14 August 2024


 I started my blog 13 years ago today and I dare say if it was a real teenager it would be on puberty blockers. Or wouldn't if you live in the wrong part of the world.

I guess that's the big difference between 2011 and now. We were progressing well towards better transgender rights and now we're going backwards. I now live in a different country from where I lived then, and heightened transphobia and general xenophobia in the UK were a major reason for moving. What's not changed, though, is my gender identity. I remain trans, despite all the well-meaning advice from the transphobes that I needn't be if only I tried a little harder.

I continue to write this blog. The first three years were descriptions of my trips out as a woman. Then I got a disfiguring illness, couldn't wear makeup and limped along for the next three years. I was able to enjoy a bit of a comeback in 2018 but then went abroad, supposedly temporarily but ended up remaining. My blog is now more into finding positives in a world that is much less agreeable than when I started blogging. 


Let me show you nice things

On a practical level, I have been labelling posts over the last four years to make finding topics easier. I'm going back over older posts to do the same for those but it's a slow process.

Thanks for reading, and for all your comments. 

Sue x


  1. Congratulations and many happy returns on your blogiversary, Sue. A gold star for community effort and resistance in the face of adversity 🌟🩷✊🏳️‍⚧️

    Good luck with the labelling and here's to many more years of upbeat news, art, travels, and all that's fabulous.

    1. Thanks very much for your congrats and kind, supportive comments, Lynn.
      You win the award for SN&V's longest continuous reader and commenter. Your prestigious certificate and lapel badge are in the post! Sue x

  2. Congratulations to your 13th Blogbirthday...a long time and I did´nt follow you from beginning....Yes, continue showing us nice places...(and nice pics of you, too). Hope you are fine and wish you a good time
    All the best

    1. Thank you very much for your nice comments, dear Violetta. Sue x
