Friday 23 August 2024

All you can do is relax ... usually

 The middle two weeks of August are the very height of the holiday season in the Med and, a bit like at Christmas, nothing works properly so you may as well have a break anyway. I need an electrician but I'll just have to wait till everyone's back at work in September! Also, it's been hot, and that doesn't exactly make you want to jump about much, even in just a bikini (oh yes! I love my bikinis). So I've mainly been swimming, enjoying the sunshine (I have a lovely tan!) and working through a stack of books that I've been wanting to get into for months. There are lots of local events, from concerts of all genres to food festivals and craft fairs. 

Antiques fair, Sanremo, Italy

OK, it's not all been relaxation. I've been hosting builders from downstairs who have been installing a complex air conditioning system in the flat below that has to run its pipework through a communal shaft behind my boiler. Why the folks below did this work during the hot weather rather than in the spring in anticipation of it, I'll never know. I do feel sorry for the actual workmen slaving on the roof in 35C (95F) heat with sweat pouring off them. Not exactly what's meant by a hot summer body!

The one scary moment was on August 15th itself, which is the main public holiday of the year. I heard a rumble of thunder in the morning, the first sign of trouble after weeks of hot, dry weather, and thought I'd best get up a little earlier and take the washing in. It's just as well I went to do that as suddenly a terrific thunderstorm descended and my garden furniture was lifted up before my eyes. I managed to grab my sunbeds before they were hurled over the parapet to oblivion but even so all the other furniture - steel framed chairs, the metal barbecue and anything loose - was thrown everywhere. I got soaked in a torrent of cold rain. Just look at this mess!


The worst of the lightning, torrential rain and ferocious winds was over in 30 minutes and after a couple of hours it was done, but it wasn't a great start to the main holiday date of the year with all the beach facilities having to close. I think Arnold the Olive (aged 4) will survive the mistreatment - he's sprouting olives for the first time.

What a contrast to the previous evening when I enjoyed the fireworks over Sanremo harbour from my eyrie on the mountain.


I've been enjoying visits from lots of big fat geckos. I've never actually seen them so big and fat before. There must be lots of tasty bugs about. Also a millipede. I honestly don't think I've ever seen one outside a botanic garden before. I'll keep this image small as I know that some readers hate creepy-crawlies and might jump on a chair and scream.


The night sky has been beautiful - the Summer Triangle is almost overhead at these latitudes, and the Perseid meteor shower gave me one or two shooting stars to make a wish on.

It's not so hot this evening and I've actually got a bustier and shorts on with gossamer-thin (5 denier) natural tan tights to make my legs look smoother.

I do love the late summer. Everything seems so alive. Yet so relaxed!

Northern Hemisphere readers: if you are still on holiday, do enjoy every moment. If holidays are coming to an end, I hope you have wonderful memories of your break.

Sue x


  1. Ooo, a good swim in the hot weather: how fabulous! I hope you've been managing to keep cool in the hotter weather. If you're catching the sun, please do take care and use suncream 🩷

    The storm certainly there things about didn't. Luckily the Olive Massive continues to sprout 🙂

    1. Thanks, Lynn. The pool is a godsend. And it's in such a lovely setting, too. A little slice of cool heaven. All we need is a bar lol!

      Over the summer you tan naturally by diffused light. It's sunny just about every day so you colour gently even being indoors without actually needing to lie out in the heat. When you do go out you top up so by this stage of the summer no amount of sun is too fierce. So I find I need very little sunscreen overall, maybe just a bit in the late spring.

      I'd be upset if something happened to Arnold the Olive now after these years of nurturing. Looking forward to tasting the little olives when they're ripe. This summer's chillies have just ripened so it's time for a curry, I reckon.

      Sue x

  2. Swimming and sunshine sounds good - not a fan of millipede's though. Thankfully don't see many about around here.

    Good job you didn't have lighter furniture I guess - loving the coloured plant pots around the edge , were you aiming for a rainbow look perchance ?

    Izzy x

    1. Thanks, Izzy.

      I don't think I've ever seen a millipede outdoors in Britain. Only at places like Kew Gardens. Hope the pic didn't make you squirm!

      The plant pots were a present from a sister - I don't think any LGBT connections were intended, but I do love the colours. They've all got little cactuses and succulents in.

      Sue x
