Thursday 30 June 2022

So ... Pride

 I feel out of sorts. My world has been unpredictable and stressful for years now and I am worn out with it. Things are getting better despite droughts, wars, pandemics and emigration but it'll be a while before I feel perky again. 

I did want to ask, as Pride month officially ends, how it was for you? I recall the exuberant Prides of yesteryear which contrast starkly with the situation in places like the UK now where open hate and discrimination against trans people are indulged in by all sorts of people and are endorsed by government, and the US where Trump's legacy and religious intolerance are a real threat. In Europe, extremism is waning, thankfully, but mockery and hate continue to be spread by many. We had been thinking some years ago that maybe Pride events would fade into memory, that being LGBT+ would one day be something no-one needed to distinguish, but now we have a full-blown war against us.

I hear good things from Pride events across the world and I'm glad that people have had fun and have had the courage to be seen. But we still need these events, this constant raising of awareness and mutual support, as much as ever. This ever present need adds to my distress. 

I have been collecting positive trans news, as I try to do as much as possible, and will share these items next month. But tonight, as the official Pride month ends, I don't feel as chirpy as I used to do. 

There are many more Pride events still to come this summer. We had local Pride events back in April. What with Trans Day of Visibility in March and Trans Day of Remembrance in November, maybe saturation coverage all year is the way to go! 

Drought news

My last post explained a bit about the drought. Fortunately there was a fine big thunderstorm two days ago that dropped the temperatures and humidity and cleaned the air. In fact, there has been red dust from the Sahara lying everywhere since it got washed out of the air. This has delayed any emergency measures for a little while, so there is still swimming to be enjoyed and I can use the hose on my plants. Without  a lot more steady rain, though, it's only a matter of time before we have a ban on hosepipes, swimming pools, municipal fountains, beach showers and the like. First World problems, I know, but in a country with more water than almost any other in Western Europe (see the pictures of vast Lake Como in my previous post!), this is unexpected.

I'm pleased that I am regularly visited by a fat gecko and a tiny lizard. They seem to like my little green oasis. I hope to get a good picture of either of them soon because they are cute. 

Travel news

I had hoped to go to England next week, for the first time in nearly 3 years, but what with flight cancellations, train strikes, the impossibility of renewing my British passport whilst there, rampant Covid and other craziness, I have decide to spare my stress hormones and jangled nerves for now and maybe try again in the autumn. What a mad time to be living!


A dip in the archives

I haven't dipped into the photo archives for ages. Here's one I rediscovered recently, from ten years ago when I was in Nottingham, England. I remember that silver top, close fitted jacket and sparkly pendant with fondness. An era of smiles.


Sue x


  1. On a purely personal level, Pride Month was a good one but largely because it included an entire week that I spent almost exclusively as Susie. Such opportunities are rare and precious. I also managed to catch up and attend the local group meeting, which I haven't done since lockdown.
    On other levels, I'm less positive. From a trans perspective I see little to celebrate this year about Pride. This sets me somewhat at odds the other members of the work Pride network committee, who want an excuse to party. It feels more like our rights have been eroded to the same place LGB folk were in the 80s, so where they can celebrate 40 years of progress, we are - at least in terms of rights and official recognition -back in the same dark place.

    1. Thanks, Susie. I have been following your adventures on your blog and Facebook, but I am still having some issues with being denied comments on some blogs including yours. Working to resolve this.
      I have to say that as Susie you have a naturalness and genuine femininity and so I hope you get many more opportunities to be yourself.
      I feel the UK has not just regressed but has lurched back 40 years, as you say, and in many aspects of life not just trans life, but obviously the one that most concerns us is the open season on trans people. Ukrainian-style mettle may be called for.
      Sue x

  2. June was... umm, well, mostly spent trying to ignore the online hate and only read the uplifting stuff. It ain't easy.

    1. You're right that it's not easy. Since 2016 it's been deemed OK in the UK and the US to express hate openly. A hug. Sue x
