Friday 15 September 2023

Trans-friendly guests

 I'm preparing for friends coming to visit, one next week and one the week after. They both know me as Sue and so this makes things a lot easier as I don't have to hide the girly stuff, whether women's magazines, my pink house shoes, or even the bra on the washing line, as I had to do earlier this summer when my guests didn't know about my being trans.

The first guest, Daniela, was the person with whom I shared an art studio and with whom I did an art show. I went out with her as Sue from time to time. So this catch-up should be fun.

Relaxing at the 2012 art show


The second is my lifelong friend Richard who came last year and his attitude towards me as Sue is different from his attitude towards me when he only knew my male avatar. His granny insisted that he should always be a proper English gentleman towards all women. So as guys we were equals, but I am now the lady who has doors opened for her, who is given precedence in seating, who is accompanied to her destination, with him on the traffic side of the pavement, who has the umbrella held over her, and so on. It's very old fashioned but the powerful affirmation of my femininity that this attitude affords is way too strong for me to object! 

It's still summer, not quite as hot as it was, but still fine and sunny. I'm making the most of it and I hope it'll still be good when they're here. 


I've just spent a few days in Milan. Perhaps I should've gone next week which is Fashion Week but really I just wanted a change of scene, to look in gorgeous shop windows without buying, to ride the lovely old trams and have a really good meal at a Chinese restaurant. In that respect, it went well.


1928 stock tram in front of La Scala opera house

Wishing you a good weekend

Sue x


  1. Ah, to have friends who accept us fully as we are: a true gift! I hope you have a fab time catching up.

    1. Thank you, Lynn. Yes, it's a real blessing. Sue x

  2. It's nice to have such friends. I wish you a great time with them. Here in Corsica it is very hot at the moment. As I write this on our terrace it's even at this time about 27 degrees
    All the best

    1. Thank you very much, Violetta.
      Enjoy your holiday. Summer has been changing to autumn in the Mediterranean this week and I suspect you will get rain and cooler weather soon.
      Sue x

  3. Dear Sue, How nice to welcome guests as Sue and not having to worry about being who you are. I have never had the pleasure of having guests over as Franziska. That will make it to my todo list. Love, Franzi

    1. Thank you, Franzi. Yes, I am lucky to have good friends who support me. I had a good time with Daniela. See my next post. Sue x
