Wednesday 22 November 2023

Spot the trans person, or not

 Last week I said I was being discreet with what was on my washing line so as not to invite comment by builders and the neighbours with whom the works are being done. Sadly, I had to present as male, although these days my clothes are all entirely off the female racks. Indoors I didn't change anything much and my shoe rack with high heels was in view. When people are focused on work or their business they just don't notice your stuff. It takes an idle mind to spot something out of place and comment on it. 

I recall the day I felt least conspicuous in my early days of going out in public when my friend Emma and I were in London's Piccadilly Circus, the place that is proverbial for traffic and bustle. This was at six on a Friday evening, and in all that vast noisy throng not a single person noticed the two TGirls being swept along in the crowds. It's that midnight trip to the postbox that, ironically, makes a TGirl stand out, not when everyone's busy with their own thing. So it was the same with my builders and neighbours.

So that's good.

Not so good is the fact that the waterproof goo they put on my terrace still isn't properly dry after a week and they put sticky bootmarks all over the floor indoors. You try washing goo off the floor when it's waterproof! I'm quite cross about that. 

Anyway, we're ready for winter now. Although, ironically, the bad weather has passed and things are calm and peaceful again.

I've been shifting my plants back to the terrace now and hope that the lizards, geckos and other creatures who visit my pots will be back. This tiny fellow did come to say hello ... 


Weight loss 

This week I have lost a little over 3 pounds or 1.4 kg, which brings my total weight loss so far this month to just under ten pounds (4.4 kg). I want to lose 50 pounds by next 1st May, so I've got 40 to go. I'm very pleased with my progress so far, a fifth of the way already.

Sue x


  1. An idle mind or someone with an eye for all fashions 😉 However, I think anyone in the Trans Mafia would probably know to be very discrete. Plus, who's to say you don't have a partner visiting at the weekend?

    Congratulations on the weight loss. I hope you are feeling the difference compared to where you were before.

    1. Thanks, Lynn. No obvious signs of weight loss yet but it won't be long, I feel.
      The "visiting girlfriend lie" is certainly always a backup here.
      Sue x
