Monday 18 December 2023

Window shopping only

 Hello little blog, Mummy's been away.

I went to Milan, which is one of the world's fashion capitals. That's a great thing ... and not so great. Amazing and fun to see the pretty or crazy get-ups but I wouldn't spend ridiculous money on the sort of clothes to be seen in the windows of the fashion houses.

It's always the busiest week of the year just before Christmas so, rather than present anything too challenging, I thought I'd just post some photos with captions and let you look too.

Here's the Christmas tree outside Montenapoleone metro station.

 And the huge one in the cathedral square.

 And the vast cathedral itself.

The Christmas market behind the cathedral.


Sausage stall.

Chocolate kebabs!

This little old lady checking out jars of beans will be giving a quality report later!

A stall that sells cuddly sheep in all sizes!

Christmas decorations.

In the main shopping arcade there are the large fashion houses, such as Dior. I didn't mind these outfits - ageless style and rich colour, I guess - or the display.

Prada window display. I quite like the bag.

Does anyone remember the 1984 movie Falling in Love? (Probably not as it bombed.) Meryl Streep and Robert de Niro bump into each other at Rizzoli's in New York. Well, here's the original, which is my favourite bookshop anywhere. 

Christmas trees and lights in the fashion district.

The shop windows are full of overpriced bags, rings, skirts, coats and such. But this one made me wonder what was going on. It looks like the cookie monster's dressing table. No makeup on it, though - I guess he ate it all!

For information, a Marni cotton top will cost you around €700 and a short cotton skirt about €500. Insane! I didn't enquire about the furniture.

The rest of the time was spent in some very nice restaurants with a relative who likes to eat out. I bought him a new 2024 Gambero Rosso Restaurant Guide which he was super enthusiastic about. He also complimented me on my shoes, which are 100% from the female racks in the shoe shop but just not quite obviously feminine. No comment on my girly jeans or tops. People see what they want to see.

I'm pleased to say that despite all the eating, I found I'd gained only 1 kg in weight on my return, so this December's indulgences may not be a disaster after all! Maybe window shopping helps burn the calories.

Good luck with all the Christmas shopping.

Sue x


  1. 700 euros for a top? Put me down for three as I've got a UK gov PPE VIP Lane payment in the works 😉

    1. Funny, not funny! I suspect the same is true here, but the corruption is more refined. Sue x

  2. Fab photo's - the one that raised my heartrate was Chocolate Kebabs ! I need some of these, and at the same time don't at all :)

    Glad you had a fun time, and well done on the minimal weight gain

    Izzy x

    1. Thanks, Izzy, I'm glad you enjoyed the pics. The kebabs looked like they'd need more than one sitting to get through! Sue x
