Sunday 31 December 2023

End of year '23

 My resolution for 2023 is not to leave things till the last minute.

An old joke there.

I hope you had a nice Christmas and Santa brought you something pretty or sparkly to wear. I'm sure you had something nice to eat and drink.

Anyway, it's the last post of 2023 and I've just got back from a few days away with friends in France. The same place I went last year. Some of the more unusual sights this year include a snowman in a plane, a rainbow of beehives on the road into town, a weather vane in the shape of a cat chasing birds, frog face graffiti high up on the town hall clock (how did it get there? - is it a comment on the mayor?) and a wall covered in soft toys. It's the odd things you notice most!

I ate too many croissants, though! Mind you, despite the inevitable overindulgence at this time of year, my weight loss has not been too badly affected... well, certainly not as much as I thought it would be. I'll see exactly what the scales say tomorrow morning. 

It's been raining all morning so I hope that's not going to carry on to this evening and drown out tonight's fireworks that are always a pleasure to watch.

Wishing you a good New Year's Eve and a good New Year's Day holiday tomorrow, and a happy, successful, prosperous 2024. May your stresses be low, your heels be high and your makeup never fail.

Sue x


  1. Mmm, croissants! Yum!

    Good luck for 2024, Sue, and long may your travels (and accompanying photography) continue.

    1. Thank you, sweetie. I hope you have much luck in 2024 as well. Sue x

  2. Happy new year , weight loss will be P1 this year for me :)

    1. Thanks, Izzy, have a good 2024. Let's compare loss charts! Sue x
