Sunday 31 March 2024

Trans Day of Visibility 2024

 It's a big day: here the clocks go forwards, it's easter and it's Transgender Day of Visibility.

I'm focusing chiefly on the last of these as I've managed to get my makeup on without health issues and, at long last, taken some new photos. 

But first, look at these gorgeous eggs a relative sent me. They're very much in my good books right now as they clearly know how much I love both chocolates and nuts! Nut coated chocolate eggs have got to be the best, right?

I thought I'd best photograph the eggs immediately despite being in my ancient grey dress as they were likely to get scoffed straight away but I managed to restrain myself from eating them till I'd put a new prettier dress on and done my nails.

Yes, I know I'm on a plan to lose weight but I'm prepared to suspend that for special occasions or life would be really dull. 

Truth be told, I think I'm looking a bit old and although I went outside (we're supposed to be visible today, you see) I really didn't like the photo results at all. Whilst getting ready I think I look OK ...

The world through a pink-tinted lens.


... but I look tired and old when ready for my close-ups ...

... so maybe it's best not to take any close-ups and just do full-length pictures instead.

This is the first time I have worn this dress. I bought it last autumn when I was fat and now it's too big but it's a nice spring pink colour so I thought I'd wear it. 

Sorry about the thick tights but it's a surprisingly cold day. But the fluffy cardigan looks nice with the dress, I think.

Someone was asking me recently about soft toys so I had a few poses with Raimonda the Ray and her companion, a blue whale whom I haven't named yet.

I've mentioned Raimonda before (Fluffy Things) - I bought her because she matched the cushions and she's soft with beans inside so she's like a cushion, too. But the whale doesn't quite match. I got him/her in Montpellier last year. Suggestions for whale names gratefully received. 

I hope to go out walking later and be properly visible. If so, it will be the first time I have been out and about en femme since 2018, so I am very nervous. But I will let you know in my next post if I manage it. I also plan to spend the next two days taking more photos as it's been such a while. And besides, I don't want to take my nail polish off just yet.

I hope the world realises that we trans people exist, have a right to exist and are nice people. I was delighted to read President Biden's words about Transgender Day of Visibility quoted by Stana in her inimitable Femulate blog here. More leaders need to have the humanity and courage to do the same.

Wishing you all a good weekend and lots of chocolate.

Sue x


  1. That looks almost too much chocolate. Almost...
    Lovely set of photos. And surely the whale should be called Moby?
    I hope you manage to get out for a walk. Do let us know if you do next time.

    1. Thanks, Susie. I'm glad the photos appeal.

      You can never have too much chocolate!

      Sue x

  2. Old & tired? No, I wouldn't say so if that's okay to say. FWIW, I thought you looked very classy and given it's a cold day, I don't blame you on going with opaques. Life's too short to be cold 🙂

    I hope you enjoy the eggs and enjoy a walk out & about.

    1. Thank you, Lynn, that's very encouraging and honest of you. I perhaps notice that my face has changed more than I would like!

      The walk out and about kinda didn't take place thanks to the weather gods who were having a party! More on that another time! The eggs, however, are fabulous!

      Sue x

  3. Hope you managed to get out in the end. Maybe you just felt tired and you were projecting that - chocolate before photo's next time :)

    I would have to go with Marina, a nautically themed name, and a character from last of the summer wine, and a Morris product, what more could you want.

    Izzy x

    1. Thanks, Izzy. You're full of good advice. Chocolate first it is from now on!

      I've never associated whales with Morris cars before so that's definitely a novelty!

      You'll have to check in here again to hear about the attempt at getting out, which didn't quite go as planned ...

      Sue x

  4. Hello Sue, you look really pretty in this dress. Nice to have got such wonderful egg-presents. I like chocolate too, but I manage to eat not too much of it. Hope you did a walk outside.
    Have a good time and all the best

    1. Thank you, Violetta. I have eaten only a little of the first egg so far. I am trying to be good! Sue x

  5. Dear Sue, Those are most adorable pictures of you, Wonderful. I am very happy to get to seem them. And I do hope you made use of the opportunity to get out. Love, Franzi

    1. What lovely, kind, encouraging comments. Thank you, Franzi. Sue x
