Tuesday 31 October 2023

Home for winter

 I'm back home in Italy now after a very smooth journey from England. Every train was on time and none were crowded.

It was an exhausting month in Britain. I'm somewhat disabled after an injury at work in 2001 and all the physical activity in moving and sorting personal possessions was especially hard. After I arrived in Paris last night, I decided to have a little lie down on the bed before looking for somewhere to eat. This was about 6:30pm. The next thing I knew it was 2am, so I just switched off the light and slept on till the alarm woke me. 13 hours sleep in all! That pretty much sums up how tiring it's been.

It's a pity I wasn't able to arrange any meetups with my trans friends as I had hoped might be possible but there was too much to do. I did manage to get to the two trans positive exhibitions I mentioned, though. 

The benefit is I do have a lot more of my own clothes and jewellery again so I hope to have more confidence to start taking selfies again. I'm not happy that I broke just about every nail I have whilst doing all this activity, and some more than once, but they will regrow. The great thing is I've not put on much weight, despite losing control of my diet whilst away.

I'll return to Britain in the spring. For now, I'm wintering on the riviera where it's much milder and drier. The fog and rain there were in Chester all last week are OK in small doses, but the cold, grey, windy, clammy UK winters, month after month, are the chief reason I moved to warmer climes.


Happy Hallowe'en

 If you've got your witch's hat on, enjoy your evening.

Sue x


  1. Glad you had a nice time, sorry to hear of nail breakages !

    1. Thanks, Izzy. The nail situation is dire, but somehow we keep on!

      Sue x

  2. Ah, the (in)famous "I'll just rest my eyes" choice.... 😁

    Great to hear that you've arrived home safely and it wasn't such a major faff. Travel on the continent seems, well, perhaps we shouldn't mention that. I'll just get political.

    Fingers crossed you're now recovered and can start unpacking the things you've brought home.

    1. Thanks, Lynn. To be fair, the UK trains weren't too terrible, not this time at least.
      I unpacked straight away and washed everything. The trouble now is drying it all in a gale!
      Sue x
