Monday 2 January 2023

New year, new me?


New Year, new me? Or is it just identity theft again?

Might as well start the year with a joke! Or with this one, a hangover from the New Year festivities that will make you groan:

Anyway, happy New Year to you. I hope 2023 will be kind and gentle to you.

Do I have any resolutions? Apart from remembering to write 2023, just when I'd got used to writing 2022!

Not really. One thing life's taught me is that resolutions are hard to keep. The one I have kept since 1997, though, is to accept that I am trans and never try to purge, deny it to myself or escape the reality again. I often muse on when or if I will ever live full-time female. I want to, but that will involve my feeling safer in an environment that is more relaxed about trans lives. There's been a bit too much trauma in recent years for me to add more by transitioning now. One problem at a time: that's how I'm dealing with things now. I've spent my life playing the role of a male, much as I hate it; but I'll tolerate it a bit longer as we get out of this pandemicy, transphobicy era. My clothes are all from the women's racks now and that keeps me grounded.

I'm getting back on track with weight loss after the compulsory Christmas indulgence. Sadly, last year, after a great start, I ended up putting weight on. I'm repeating to myself the old Slimming World adage: nothing tastes as good as being slim feels. When I look back at the cute little dresses I used to be able to wear, I feel that that is true. It was also better being fitter (and being able to bend and adjust the ankle straps of my shoes without panting). I'm also doing Dry January as wine is the most fattening thing of all. I got my weight reduction off to a good start today by carrying two heavy bags of shopping up the steep mountain lane behind the house rather than taking the gentler slope home along the main road. Here's the lovely view from the top:


Incidentally, the photo that opens this post is a tall ship that floated by earlier today. Maybe one could find hopeful new year symbolism in it: life's journey moving slowly to where sunlight is just breaking through cloud? Or just a boat on its business? You choose your interpretation if you wish: symbolic, prosaic, romantic or other.

As mentioned before, I feel a strong urge to travel after four years of either being lame or locked down. I've just got back from France, and more on that androgynous holiday in another post. But I'm being cautious since flu, Covid and other bugs are flying around at present. So many people I know have Covid right now or are still experiencing symptoms months later. Stay safe and well. I intend to.

Sue x


  1. It's a sign from the gods! No, the ship - not Lang's 😉

    Whatever the source of the ship photo, good luck on your travels, Sue, and also with getting back into shape.

    If it's any help, switching to a mostly veggie diet and only drinking non-alcoholic drinks has helped me. Not in a dramatic way, but my tum is flatter at least.

    1. Thanks, Lynn. Today I had a diet coke with my lunch. It lacked the quality that a well-paired glass of wine would have had with my food, but it was OK, I guess. I used to go to Slimming World and I generally follow their old plan that worked for me before. Sue x

  2. Dear Sue, Best wishes for 2023 and good luck getting back in shape. I dropped some weight two years ago and have to admit that it feels better now with a six-pack. Just kidding, no six-pack. I try to maintain my weight, though, and it surely helps both my male and my female appearance and self-esteem. Love, Franzi PS: your site is #2 in referrals to my blog. Thanks a lot !!!

    1. Thanks for your nice message, Franzi. I'm glad to hear that there's traffic from my blog to yours. And thank you for the encouragement on weight loss. You always look really good in your photos. Sue x
