Thursday, 29 April 2021

Blog additions and updates

Firstly, I've added a couple more good trans sites to the blogroll: A Gender Variance Who's Who and Crossdreamers. Both excellent: the first provides a wealth of information on trans people in history and other useful information; the latter has many interesting articles and helpful resources. I've been reading both sites for years but until recently my blogroll linked chiefly to the sites of friends of mine. Since they blog less, I'm now linking more to sites that have a wider interest. 

Secondly, Blogger is to discontinue the email alert service so if you have been receiving update alerts automatically by email, this will end in a couple of months and I will then remove the widget. Sorry about that; it was not my decision. 

I am still working on my own resources page, and on providing better labels and links to past posts. My blog is a very mixed bag of adventures, thoughts and support and labelling ten years' worth of posts is taking a while. Bear with me! 

You'll have noticed that this year I am blogging regularly twice a week and this should continue for a while. 

A dip in the archives

In my recent trawl through old emails to find early photos, I came across this portrait taken at the Boudoir in 2008. It shows how much better my nakeup is when done by a professional! I'm now using this picture as my avatar on various sites.

 Sue x


Cari lettori italiani

Speriamo che questa storia del virus finisca presto, e anche l'iter della legge contro l'omotransfobia. La strada è sempre lunga e lenta.

Oggi ho aggiunto altri due siti. Tutti e due in inglese, ma entrambi risorse utili.

Sue x

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